Tessa discovering Asia...
...almost a month has passed already since I arrived in Singapore on the 26th of december and so I decided it´s definitely time for a little review of the past weeks and an update of my blog. All the ones just wondering why I´m writing in English - I just want to give everybody the chance to understand what I am telling... :-) Fair enough right...?!
Well, eventhough I am just here for a month I have already experienced and done so many nice things and up to now I can just say that I am really enjoying my time here and looking so much forward to spend some months here in Asia. (university actually just goes till mid april but I am planning to stay for a longer time since I only need to be back in Austria by september).
Since I believe pictures tell more than 1000 words and are also much more fun to look at, I´m just going to give an overview of the last weeks and the highlights by showing you some pictures.
Well, here we are, the four Austrias discovering the big wide world...
Tessa, Emily, Leo and Jaqueline in Singapore

and the three girls shopping - of course, what else... ;-)

on the following picture you can see Yen, just sitting left from me, she´s my buddy at SMU. We have already met a couple of times and I hope I´ll meet her more often in the future since she´s really nice and its also great to know local people.

this picture I took at the SMU - always reminding me that I´m actually here for studies and not just for travelling ;-) the university is really different than FH - it´s sooo big and has great facilities (big libary, own gym, doctor, dentist, all kind of other shops, food court, etc...) The only thing I just have to get used to are the extremely airconditioned rooms - you come in, are sweating and you go out and are freezing like crazy... so it´s just too good that I am only at SMU twice a week (yes, just thuesday and wednesday, not bad...)